There’s no better time to give your operators access to the lighter, brighter, better strobe.
With our free trial and evaluation programs, there's no reason not to.
We're committed to matching you with the most effective strobe for your application. The following programs are designed to help you to see the benefits of the perfect inspection light in your own facility with little to no investment upfront. The process is quick and efficient too!
On-Site Demonstration
We will bring our products to your facility for a free in-house demonstration to help you determine which product works best for you.
Trial Evaluation
When you already know the light you need, but you want to make sure it's the right fit for your application. Simply cover the freight cost to and from your facility and you can evaluate the performance of any strobe light for 3 days.
Evaluate the light for 30 days for only 10% of the unit cost. If you decide to purchase the light, 100% of the rental fee is applied toward your purchase.